Question of
Ratio showing the capacity of the enterprise to repay short term of loans at short notice.
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The market value of the output of an activity over some accounting period (usually a year), whether that output is sold or not.
net income
gross margin
gross income
fixed income
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Anything of value in the possession of the farm or claims of the farm on anything of the value in the possession of others may be classified as current assets or fixed assets
net worth
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Statements of projected cash payments and cash receipts associated with a particular plan (usually for a farm, but also for an activity, enterprise or enterprise
cash flow budget
costs and returns
gross margin
net cash budget
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Calculation of the future value of a present sum by application of the relevant rate of interest.
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In terms of opportunity cost, is the benefit given up through having investment capital tied up in an activity or group of activities for a period of time. It is often specified as the interest rate paid for borrowed funds or actual amount on interest paid.
cost of capital
imputed value
shadow price
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The distribution of crops over the time and space on a farm during one production cycle.
cropping pattern
seasonal pattern
calendar of operation
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Total physical working assets (compromising assets such as harvested and growing crops, non-breeding livestock and stocks and materials) and liquid assets such as cash in hand or at the bank, prepayments and sundry debtors.
current assets
fixed assets
crops in hand
none of the above
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Claims, which may have to be met within a short period of time, usually not longer than a year
current liabilities
fixed liabilities
none of the above
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The cost of wear and tear and obsolescence associated with of implements, machinery and structures over time.
none of the above
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Those cost which could be allocated to specific activity or enterprise
direct cost
variable cost
fixed cost
none of the above
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Costs that are related to the size or scale of activity
variable cost
fixed cost
non-cash cost
none of the above
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Cost such as the cost of depreciation of a milking parlor is attributable to the milk enterprise
variable cost
fixed cost
non-cash cost
none of the above
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Calculation of the present value of a future sum by application of the relevant rate of interest
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Total assets less total liabilities, which may be segregated into farm and non-farm equity it represents the farmer’s contribution of capital to the economic unit.
equity capital
net worth
all of the choices
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Inputs used in production process in general terms this can be classified as land, labor and capital and management is not usually included as it can be readily measured and land, labor and capital can further be divided into different types.
factors of production
variable costs
cost of production
none of the choices
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Net farm income plus other non-farm income of the family, it represents the total income available to the farm family for all purposes
family earnings
farm income
family income
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A detailed list of activities that will be carried out on the farm over a specified period of time.
farm plan
farm inventory
none of the choices
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Data collection from a sample of farms from specified population.
complete enumeration
farm survey
farm records
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Those costs which are not variable cost
fixed cost
cash costs
opportunity cost
none of the choices
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The value of total output (not of any purchases of products is produced) over a specified period (usually one year) whether the output is sold or not and including inventory charges.
gross income
gross output
gross sales
none of the choices
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Factor of production, which should be taken into account in farm financial analysis but which involved no money transaction and thus are not recorded in the farm accounting record (if kept).
none of the choices
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In accounting terminology, a list of all the assets owned giving their description and value at a particular point of time in management terms, often used to describe a stock of goods kept in case of future need, e.g. spare parts for machinery.
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Unit of labor input or requirements usually assumed to represent the work accomplished by an adult in a normal workday or a standardized workday of eight hours.
labor day
work day
none of the choices
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Physical law that applies to all production processes so that the marginal product of a variable factor eventually declines as more factor is used relative to a given amount of fixed factors
law of supply and demand
law of diminishing returns
law of comparative advantage
none of the choices
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Cost representing the increase in variable cost, which would occur if one or more unit of output, was to be produced.
marginal cost
fixed cost
variable cost
opportunity cost
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The marginal product of an input is the change in output arising from using another additional unit of input
marginal product
average product
none of the choices
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Budgeting, which relates to only part of the farm and assess the gains and losses and thus, the net benefit of changing that part of the farm’s organization.
partial budget
complete budget
farm budget
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The economic principle implying that various crops and livestock should be produced in those areas where the physical and other resources are best suited to their production under prevailing price relationship.
law of comparative advantage
law of supply and demand
principle of marginality
none of the choices
Question of
The economic principle that a farmer should trade off competing goals so long as the goal of satisfaction from the goal receiving increased emphasis is greater than the loss in satisfaction incurred by decreasing emphasis in the other goal or goals.
principle of marginality
principle of diminishing returns
principle of substitution
none of the above
Question of
The economic principle that one thing should be substituted for another only if the net benefit of making such a change is positive.
principle of substitution
principle of comparative advantage
principle of opportunity cost
none of the choices
Question of
The quantitative relationship between variable inputs and outputs some production processes with a special level of fixed inputs
cost function
demand function
physical input function
none of the choices
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The amount of output per unit of input expressed in physical or valuable terms
cost of effectiveness
none of the choices
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The ratio of net income from an invest to the market value of the investment
return to capital
return on investment
marginal returns
none of the choices
Question of
Law of the diminishing return is embodied by the
Total Product curve
The production surface
The average product
None of the choices