In this page, you will find a Forestry Licensure Exam reviewer practice test which contains 25 questions related to the subject area: Forest Governance and Social Forestry.
Instruction: Choose the best answer from the choices on each question by clicking on it. Immediately after choosing an answer, it will reveal if you’re correct or wrong. At the end of the test, it will also show how many items you got right including the percentage average.
Question of
Permanent forests are lands of the public domain that have not been the subject of the present system of classification. On the other hand, public forests are lands of the public domain that have been declared as needed for forest purposes.
The first statement is false while the second statements is true
The first statement is true while the second statements is false
Both statements are false
Both statements are true
Question of
Which of the following does not help in limiting build-up of “greenhouse” gases?
Sustainable forest management
Limiting methane emissions
Development of solar, wind and water energy systems.
Increased consumption of fossil fuels.
Question of
Harvesting/of in CBFM areas naturally grown forest resources shall be covered by resources use permit. Extraction of forest products along gullies and river channels should be allowed only upon approval of the RED.
the two statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statements is false
The two statements are true
The first statement is false; the second statements is true
Question of
DENR Administrative Order No. 2003 – 11 repeal which of the following provision of DAO 96- 29 related to Community-Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA)?
application for CBFMA
overall monitoring of CBFMA
cutting of trees in CBFMA areas
livelihood options provided to upland people
Question of
Forest fires maybe classified as ground fire, surface fire, crown fire or a combination of these. Which of the following are characteristics of ground fire?
It is the most common type of forest fire
It is easy to detect
It usually occurs in steep slopes
It has no flame but with little smoke
Question of
One of the specific criteria for Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System is the characteristics of the project or undertaking. What is NOT considered under this?
use of natural resources
generation of waste
conformity of the proposed project to existing land use
size of the project
Question of
It is believed that “paradigm shift” is a consequence of “paradigm crisis”. Which of the following is not among the identified symptoms of a paradigm crisis?
Questioning of old practices
Rapid spread of new experiments
Ability of the paradigm to explain and solve extant problems
Blurring of traditional values
Question of
It refers to the date when the Forest Research Institute was created pursuant to P.D. No. 607.
December 18, 1975
December 18, 1973
December 18, 1976
December 18, 1974
Question of
refers to the use of resources where the resource where the resources is no longer used as input to production of other goods and services.
Final consumption
Resource use
Extractive use
Question of
What Executive Order (EO) mandated the DA-DAR-DENR Convergence Initiative to develop a National Greening Program in cooperation with DepEd, CHED, DSWD, DBM and other concerned agencies and institution?
EO 32 Series 2011
EO 23 Series 2011
EO 26 Series 2011
EO 125 Series 2011
Question of
This refers to the remedy usually resulted to by owners of possessors of forest products and, more so, owners of conveyances administratively seized or confiscated to recover the forest products and conveyance/s.
Motion of Reconsideration
Motion of Dismiss
Temporary Restraining Order
Question of
. best describes the spirit of collaboration in accomplishing activities among members of the community.
Question of
If premium species are allowed to be cut, how much is the forest charges per cu m if it comes from Mindanao (DAO No. 2000-63)?
P 1400
P 1500
P 1000
P 3000
Question of
Which of the following factors must be met in order that an infested forest area is considered qualified for sanitation cutting? I. The risk of potential of the infestation to spread to more valuable portions of the forests II. The possible creation of fire hazards III. The value and merchantability of trees to be cut.
II and III
I and III
I and II
I, II and III
Question of
One of the purposes of administrative seizure proceedings is to determine if prima facie case exists to hold the items. When is a prima facie case established? I. When the offense has been committed II. The evidence is probably quitly III. The items delivered are proceeds of violation
I and II
I and III
II and III
I, II and III
Question of
What is the role of the CENRO in the preparation / processing of the community resource management framework under the CBFM program?
Question of
Which of the following is not a tenurial instrument under the Community Based Forest Management Program?
CBFM Agreement
Certificate of Stewardship Contract
Forest Occupancy Management Permit
Certificate of Ancestral Doman Claim
Question of
It refers to the element in the traditional practice of shifting cultivation that makes such system sustainable and friendly to the land.
Short fallow period
Long fallow period
Question of
The Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau resulted from the merging of the Forest Products Research and Industries Development Commission and the National Mangrove Committee by virtue of Executive Order No. 192. The ERDB is at present one of the line bureaus under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Both statements are false
Both statements are true
The first statement is false while the second statement is true
The first statement is true while the second statement is false
Question of
The establishment and management of CBFM projects in mangrove areas shall be in accordance with DAO 96-29. The same is true with mangrove areas in protected areas.
The firsts statement is false; the second is true
The two statements are false
The two statements are true
The first statement if true; the second is false
Question of
. refers to species in which the evolutionary process has been influenced by human to meet their needs.
Domesticated species
Genetically modified organism
Living and modified organism
Genetic material
Question of
Wind speed the angle between the flames and the ground by making the flame.
Reduces – forward
increases – backward
Increases – forward
maintains – stand still
Question of
. is usually confined to the wild relatives of plants and animals that are of economic importance.
Genetic resources
Living modified organism
Genetically modified organism
Domesticated organism
Question of
In conformity with RA 7586, bioprospecting of biological and genetic resources shall be allowed.
in national parks only
all categories of protected areas
selected protected areas
nowhere in protected areas
Question of
What is the difference between an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report and the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
EIS aids proponents in incorporating environmental considerations while IEE does not
EIS is considered primarily with assessing the direct impacts of a product while IEE is not
IEE has reduced details of data and depth of assessment than EIS
IEE has more details of data and depth of assessment than EIS