Agriculture Licensure Exam Previous Questions and Answers (Part 5)

This LEA Reviewer is the fifth part of our compilation of questions and answers from previous Agriculture Board Exams. It contains 50 questions covering all 6 subject areas namely:

  • Agricultural Extension and Communication,
  • Agricultural Economics and Marketing,
  • Animal Science,
  • Crop Protection,
  • Crop Science, and
  • Soil Science.

You can find more on our Agriculture Licensure Exam reviewers compilation page

  • Question of

    These are merchant middlemen who sell to retailers and other merchants in significant amounts but not to ultimate consumers.

    • Contract buyers
    • Commission agents
    • Wholesalers
    • Retailers
  • Question of

    What is the largest coconut variety?

    • F1
    • Laguna
    • San Ramon
    • Baybay
  • Question of

    Industries that are concerned with manufacturing of industrial services engaged in production with total assets of more than 5M but not exceeding 51 and an employment size of 5-99 workers is_____.

    • Small-scale industry
    • Medium-scale industry
    • Large-scale industry
  • Question of

    The largest of the common rats.

    • Rattus exulans
    • Rattus argentiver
    • Rattus tenezumi
    • Rattus norvengicus
  • Question of

    Which of the following province is the top producer of Pili nut?

    • Sorsogon
    • Albay
    • Northern Samar
    • Cebu
  • Question of

    What province produces most of the strawberry in the Philippines?

    • Benguet
    • Mt. Province
    • Baguio
    • Kalinga
  • Question of

    The feeding and movements of rats in the field happen during_________ .

    • The early morning
    • The middle of the day
    • The afternoon
    • The nightime
  • Question of

    The most common form of agricultural lime available in the market.

    • CaMg(CO3)2
    • CaCO3
    • CaO
    • MgO
  • Question of

    Which among the following plants can be considered as trap plants for the control of cotton bollworm.

    • Peanut
    • Corn
    • Sweet potato
    • Agave
  • Question of

    Under conditions of high rainfall and humidity, the least leached cation is______.

    • Al
    • Ca
    • Mg
    • Na
  • Question of

    Product handlers who serves as the last link in the marketing channel

    • Consumers
    • Merchandisers
    • Viajeros
    • Retailers
  • Question of

    Restrictions of foreign trade are made through these except

    • Quotas
    • Incentive
    • Embargoes
    • Tariff
  • Question of

    Farm manure with the highest fertilizer grade

    • Goat manure
    • Carabao manure
    • Chicken manure
    • Cow manure
  • Question of

    Extension classes conducted in the rural areas are considered this type of education?

    • Non-formal
    • Formal
    • Informal
    • General
  • Question of

    Bank set up in the 1970’s as a financial arm of the land reform program

    • Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas
    • Development Bank of the Philippines
    • Land Bank of the Philippines
    • Philippine Cooperative Bank
  • Question of

    Who is considered as the Father of Macroeconomics?

    • Adam Smith
    • David Ricardo
    • John Stuart Mill
    • John Maynard Keynes
  • Question of

    What do you call a tax on imports?

    • Quota
    • Tariff
    • Ad Valorem Tax
    • Excise Tax
  • Question of

    “Katchmanita” is a variety of mango better known as?

    • Indian Mango
    • Carabao Mango
    • Manila Super Mango
    • Paho
  • Question of

    A good replacement boar should have__________.

    • 6 pairs of functional teats
    • 2 pairs of big testicles
    • Strong legs
    • All of the choices
  • Question of

    What is the primary purpose of tillage?

    • Kill or exposed pest to sunlight
    • To level the field
    • Incorporate weeds and stubble underneath the soil
    • Loosen the soil
  • Question of

    What is the most critical factor for successful incubation?

    • Temperature
    • Light Intensity
    • Relative Humidity
    • Managerial skills of farmers / workers
  • Question of

    What is the first segment of the small intestine?

    • Doudenum
    • Jejunum
    • Ileum
    • Cecum
  • Question of

    What kind or type of organization or firm that does not require accounting?

    • Government organization
    • Local Government Unit
    • Commission on Audit
    • Foundations and NGOs
  • Question of

    Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland cells have compensatory mechanisms to counteract the deficiency of what mineral?

    • Calcium
    • Iodine
    • Potassium
    • Sodium
  • Question of

    Which province is a top producer of eggplant?

    • Pangasinan
    • Quezon
    • Iloilo
    • Isabela
  • Question of

    What is the first segment of the insect leg?

    • Coxa
    • Trochanter
    • Femur
    • Scape
  • Question of

    The gestation period of rodents

    • 25 days
    • 30 days
    • 21 days
    • 31 days
  • Question of

    “Song of India” can be reproduced using _____.

    • Rhizome
    • Seeds
    • Tubers
    • Grafting
  • Question of

    A name, item, symbol etc, intended to identify the goods and services of the seller and to differentiate them from competitors

    • Label
    • Advertisement
    • Packaging
    • Brand
  • Question of

    To be more effective, a liming material should be applied at the proper time. This is usually done at_____________.

    • Plowing
    • Planting
    • 3-4 weeks before planting
    • Harvesting
  • Question of

    Which does not belong to the group?

    • Guano
    • Night soil
    • Urea
    • Chicken dung
  • Question of

    The Philippines is basically a/an _________country

    • Industrial
    • Semi-Industrial
    • Agricultural
    • Manufacturing
  • Question of

    What mostly influences the price that the farmers received?

    • Government controls
    • Supply and demand
    • Advertisement
    • All of the choices
  • Question of

    The insect termites can be best be controlled by the use of:

    • Selective insecticides
    • Broad spectrum insecticides
    • Persistent insecticides
    • Fumigants
  • Question of

    Method of artificial vegetative propagation when the plant part to be rooted is still attached from the parent plant which supplies the nutrients and moisture while the parts is rooting.

    • Cutting
    • Grafting
    • Layering
    • Budding
  • Question of

    Which of the following microorganism is very sensitive to potassium levels in the soil and therefore useful in diagnosing potassium deficiency?

    • Pseudomonas denitrificans
    • Aspergillus niger
    • Azobacter chrococcum
    • Nitrobacter agilis
  • Question of

    What is the top producer of sugarcane?

    • Bukidnon
    • Negros Occidental
    • Negros Oriental
    • Bacolod
  • Question of

    The term below are factors affecting nutrient availability except for one. Identify this term

    • Capacity
    • Weathering
    • Intensity
    • Rate of replenishment
  • Question of

    This ion is adsorbed with the least force to soil particles

    • Na
    • Ca
    • H
    • Al
  • Question of

    This is not an element of climate.

    • Relief
    • Precipitation
    • Temperature
    • Sunshine
  • Question of

    Which among the following crops can survive El Nino?

    • Sorghum
    • Mango
    • Rice
    • Banana
  • Question of

    The edible portion of the mangosteen fruit is only__________ of the whole fruit.

    • ½
    • 1/5
    • 1/3
    • ¼
  • Question of

    A very good parasitoid , Trichogramma evanescens belongs to order.

    • Diptera
    • Hemiptera
    • Lepidoptera
    • Hymenoptera
  • Question of

    Type of middlemen who take title to, and therefore own, the products they handle

    • Merchant middlemen
    • Agent middlemen
    • Manufacturers
    • Commission agents
  • Question of

    It is the feeding of gilts with high-energy ration before breeding is termed as__________ .

    • Full feeding
    • Ad libitum feeding
    • Energy feeding
    • Flushing
  • Question of

    In highly weathered and leached tropical soils most of the phosphorus is stored in______.

    • Soil solution
    • Secondary minerals
    • Organic matter
    • Clay fraction
  • Question of

    The Solid Waste Management Act is embodied in what Republic Act?

    • RA 9001
    • RA 9002
    • RA 9003
    • RA 9004
  • Question of

    In addition to hydrogen, the cation that is normally tends to increase the exchangeable form with increasing soil acidity?

    • Aluminum
    • Iron
    • Calcium
    • Manganese
  • Question of

    The most accurate method of assessing soil fertility

    • Nutrient deficiency symptoms
    • Field experiments
    • Plant analysis
    • Soil analysis
  • Question of

    During dry season plant roots are naturally supplied with water through.

    • Infiltration
    • Capillarity
    • Percolation
    • Leaching

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